Join us for Camp Meeting!

New Life Baptist Church Camp Meeting Information

Many people do not know what Camp Meetings are all about.  They started in both the north and south in the United States in the early 1800’s.  While every church camp meeting has a different ‘flavor’, the basis of them pretty much remains the same: they are a time of spiritual refreshment and encouragement for God’s people.  They are not Bible conferences, revivals or retreats.  It has always been the desire of New Life Baptist Church to provide an atmosphere for people to come and get some fellowship, rest, and admonition from the preaching and worship in the services.

Dover Foxcroft Camp Meeting History

One of the largest camp meetings in the whole Northeast took place right here in Dover Foxcroft in the late 1800’s into the early 1900’s.  

To read a history of these long-ago meetings, CLICK HERE.